Dear Cake Wrecks,

O.K., "cake wreck" might not be the first thing that comes to your mind looking at this picture, but, the sight of it UPTURNED & ON THE FLOOR, (tiny little limbs and heads strewn about)...and Cake Wreck is what I see.

It was just too heavy for me to get from a table to the low-to-the-ground utility cart by myself. The only other person on hand was my 6 year old son, who watched the cake tumble over, and having seen one or two cake shows in his day, immediately tried to make it OK by telling me a story of a man who dropped a ten foot cake.
"This happens to everyone", he assured me, as he continued with his 10 foot cake tale.

The 16" super-sized Apple was made for our super amazing and talented Teachers & Staff at our school for Staff Appreciation day. How can you ever thank these guys enough? HOW DO THEY DO IT?
After the fall:

A big hole of fondant ripped out of the top, and of course, the little people were the big casulties. After a few repairs, a slightly bruised apple.
Apples are a classic symbol of teachers, of gratitude, and of knowledge, (unless, of course you're Snow White, or Adam & Eve then there's that whole other thing.)
According to Yahoo Answers, (and this must be true because I found it on the internet... but even if it is not, I kind of like it, an imagine a few teachers might as well) : People associate apples with teachers is the tradition from the 16th century until 18th century in various countries including Denmark and America, in which parents pay educators with foods like fruits. During this time, teachers do not receive enough salary to sustain the cost of living in their places. To help them with their basic needs, parents give the teachers of their children potatoes and apples. During these centuries, apples are considered special and expensive because these fruits are difficult to plant, cultivate and harvest. To compensate the efforts of educators and to make them feel special, parents pay them with different varieties of the fruit.
